2018 Winter Teacher Gifts
The image on left by Julien (4)
The image on right by Delphine (7)
Linocuts printed on paper 12/2018
Dishtowel Prints 2018
Linocuts were hand-printed on floursack dishtowels.
2016 Winter Teacher Gifts
The image was drawn by Delphine (5). Linocut carved by Aimee and hand-printed onto flour sack dishtowels.
Spring Teacher Gifts 2016 - Wrapped
Portraits of Toddler Community
Aimee created drawings of each member of the toddler community and created one carved linoleum block. Printed on flour sack dishtowels and notecards. Wrapped in ivory ribbon.
Spring Teacher Gifts 2016 - Cards
Portraits of Toddler Community
Aimee created drawings of each member of the toddler community and created one carved linoleum block. Printed on notecards.
Spring Teacher Gifts 2016
Portraits of Toddler Community
Aimee created drawings of each member of toddler community and created one carved linoleum block. Printed on flour sack dishtowels.